
Friday, April 4, 2008

Baked Salmon with Stir Fried Vegetables

Many people love eating salmon but the consensus seems to be that people really don’t know what to do with it when having to cook one.  Eating it raw is one solution in a form of sushi, sashimi or carpaccio but baking or pan frying salmon is more of a task in a home kitchen because of a few issues including not knowing what type of sauce or marinade or how to cook it without making it so dry in the middle.  After all, salmon is a big fish and salmon fillets are thicker than most fish.  I know a few recipes for baking salmon and they all tend to be either citrousy or creamy.  Coupled with either of those salmon complimenting flavors and well controlled cooking environment to produce soft and juicy texture, you will have a very nice salmon dish.  The recipe I am including below is more of a creamy concoction and it’s tasty.
Ingredients: 1 Salmon fillet, 2 tsp minced garlic, salt, black pepper, ginger powder, lemon, parsley, tartar sauce, zucchinis, mushrooms, chili powder
1. First, sprinkle a pinch of salt, pepper, ginger powder and squeeze llemon on your fillet. Then put some minced garlic on top.

2. Spread tartar sauce on top of garlic.

3. Sprinkle parsley. Then put this in the oven at 350 degree F for 20 minutes and broil for 5 minutes.

4. Oil your pan for stir fry.

5. Prepare vegetables.

6. Sprinkle salt, pepper and finely ground red pepper flakes.

7. Stir fry in high heat! Have some fun!

8. Presentation... trust your artistic instinct.

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Lisa Tan said...

I wanna try the salmon, it looks tasty.

Pete said...

Hi Lisa. Yes, you should try it. Also great for a low carb diet without the rice or bread.

Unknown said...

Looks delicious.. I must try it!

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