
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Friday Night Chicken Thigh Barbecue

So my friends always come over on Friday nights for some beer and food. I prepared some meat overnight the same way I marinated Korean chicken barbecue using fish sauce, Teriyaki sauce, water, soy sauce, sugar, garlic, red pepper powder.

Click for the Recipe

This time I used chicken thighs and the only difference from using drum sticks was that more juice and oil came out while cooking. It turned out really nice and all my friends ate well and got drunk. It was a good Friday.

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Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, it's me again. I prepared some chicken thighs BBQ to my neighbour, they are in bigger pieces this time as they are using a proper outdoor BBQ, they were so impressed and the chicken was so tender and not dried out. I have a question, how long can the marinade be kept. If I marinate a second time immediately, do I have to throw away afterwards. Can I freeze this after used once?

Pete said...

Hi Janet. The marinade can be reused as long as it's not too old. Being too old totally depends on how quickly raw chicken meat will go bad inside the fridge. I definately reuse my marinades more than once but I throw it away preferably after a week at most because there are some very tiny chicken chunks and fats that are left in the sauce. Freezing the marinade on the other hand is a good idea to preserve it for a long time. If you used grated pear or other fresh ingredients, the quality will decrease a little but still it's totally worth it I would say. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, thanks for your feedback. I was thinking of 2 times the most within a week as there may be some small pieces of chicken left in the marinade as you say.

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