
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yakisoba - Teriyaki Flavor


Ok, I picked up this instant noodle dish from Safeway. This is probably sold anywhere, and not just in Asian markets. This stuff was ok... I mean it's perfectly edible but I wouldn't eat it as often when I can eat other better cup instant noodles. It did have a flavor similar to teriyaki but honestly, anything with savory soy sauce base with some sugar will taste like teriyaki and this one was no exception. It was a little too sweet to me.

There comes one dried vege mix and a soup powder.

I added everything and poured hot water to where the line is on the bottom. It was a low water line because I know this isn't supposed to be soupy either. But then the water does not cover the top portion of the noodle so that I had to microwave this for one minute. In fact, microwaving is what the instruction said. I thought this was kind of stupid. I mean what if you're at a place where there is no microwave but only hot water?

In the end, this is what it looks like.

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