
Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fishcake Stir Fry

Fishcake stir fry is one of the main Banchans (side dishes) when you go to a Korean restaurant. Little thin slices of those fishcake with grilled onions and garlic are blending in soy sauce and sesame flavor. I should include more Banchans from now on since they're the first dishes you will see at Korean restaurants when you order main dishes. This one is pretty easy to make and adds a nice savory flavor with your steamed rice. Follow the steps below.

1. Boil sheets of fishcake.

2. Once cooked, take them out and slice them into pieces.

Also cut onions into pieces.
3. These are the ingredients you need before stir frying: minced garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, red pepper flakes, sugar and toasted sesame seeds.

4. Maybe a tbsp of minced garlic for a full pan fry portion.

5. Add the fishcakes and drizzle soy sauce on top of the mixture.

A touch of red pepper flakes.

Final touch with sesame oil and seeds. Sesame oil flavor will evaporate if put in too early.

Ok now, that was simple!

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Anonymous said...

Hmm, it reminds me the side dish at the Korean restaurants. This is one of my favorite.

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