
Monday, July 28, 2008

Pan Fried Tofu with Soy Dipping Sauce

Pan fried tofu is commonly found on dinner tables of Korean homes although it is difficult to say that this dish is a Korean dish exclusively because of the popularity of tofu throughout Asia and the simplicity of pan frying tofu. However, together with the dipping sauce below, one can argue that this dish as a whole is a Korean dish. Pan fried tofu is so healthy and delicious, more people should try it at home and replace their heavy and fattening dishes.

1. To make this dipping sauce, use light sodium soy sauce, and water. Use them for 1:1 ratio. Then add thinly minced carrots, green onions, and garlic. Then add vinegar (1 teaspoon for 2 tablespoons of water+soy sauce), sesame oil (same amt as vinegar), and toasted sesame seeds.

2. Ideally, if you can get your hands on hand made tofu at an Asian market, it will be great. These hand made tofu below are really tasty. Slice them into 1/2 inch thick pieces.

3. Oil your pan with olive oil and pan fry them for 2-3 minutes in high before flipping.

Another 1 minute on the other side or until they turn golden.

Now, how easy was that?

Enjoy. Remember, you are what you eat.

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Anonymous said...

This looks good too. My mum makes pan fried tofu quite often but without any dipping sauce. I think I will try this and probably add some sliced bird's eye chilli into the dipping sauce. XD

Pete said...

Haha you and your bird's eye chilli! You should try hand made tofu if you can find some at a market. They are really really good.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I will. Haha, those chillis, can't live without them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, your tofu reminds me the tofu my mom makes. Your sauce is yummy, would defintely try soon. I haven't made this since I moved to Switzerland. By the way, I have passed on a Brilliante Weblog Award to you. Cheers, Janet

Pete said...

Hi Janet, wow, I didn't even know such thing (Brillante Award) existed. Thank you so much! And thank you also for adding me on your blogroll. I just added your link on my page to share the wealth. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter, you deserve it with all the hardwork and the step by step photos. And I love Korean food, the BBQ, Pot rice...
I find there is a type of Fresh Korean noodle is chewy and is cooked in front of you in HK, I love it, I love the texture of this noodle. Do you know how it is made and is it possible to buy them ?

Will it also pass on the award accordingly? The rules are stated in my blog.

Pete said...

I wonder if you're talking about the Korean stir fried glassy noodle (called "chop chae" or "jap chae"). I never really saw any restaurants making any Korean noodles in front of you. That must be awesome. I wish I can visit there.

Anonymous said...

What a phantastic recipe! So easy & so so good! Thanks so much for sharing this. I will definitely make this again ...

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