Using cast iron pans for cooking is a wonderful way to obtain a nice caramelized crust to your foods. Add to that the fact that cast iron pans add to your daily dietary intake of iron and the fact that cast iron pans are superb at heating evenly and you have a winner of a pan. Taking care of that pan is also of utmost importance. Once your pan is seasoned, an occasional deep cleaning is also necessary to keep your pan in the best condition.
Things You’ll Need:
* Cast iron pan
* Paper towels
* Salt
* Kosher salt
Step 1:
Know that when you notice foods sticking to your pan that normally wouldn’t, it’s time to clean and re-season your pan.
Step 2:
Heat your pan on the highest heat setting on a stove burner. When the pan is smoking hot, pour at least one cup of kosher or iodized salt into the pan.
Step 3:
Use several thicknesses of paper towels to move the salt around the pan so the salt can draw out any impurities from the pan.
Step 4:
Scrub the salt into the bottom of the pan as you continue to move the salt around.
Step 5:
Discard the hot salt after it starts to turn grey after a while.
Step 6:
Notice that the pan should look very dull since the salt has taken away any excess fat and food particles. If the pan is still shiny, repeat the hot salt scrub.
Step 7:
Wash very hot water over the pan to rinse any remaining salt, away after you have discarded the last of the salt.
Step 8:
Dry thoroughly the pan with a towel and let the pan sit in open air for ½-hour to completely dry.
Step 9:
Re-season the pan now that the pan is completely clean.
Tips & Warnings
* Kosher salt is generally better for cleaning the pan since it doesn’t have any extra additives, such as iodine. Iodized table salt can clean as well as kosher salt, but it may leave a trace amount of iodine.
* Please see the eHow Related Articles section to find out how to season your pan.
* When handling a hot cast iron pan, do not forget that the handle does not have a covering over it. Use pot holders or a dedicated cast iron handle cover to prevent severe burns on your hand.
reference from
Thursday, April 3, 2008
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A very very nice post.Really I liked this nice post too much. Thanks for sharing the comment.
food in cast iron.
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