
Sunday, April 27, 2008

California Hand Rolls

This is another hand roll recipe based on California rolls.  It seems a lot easier to make a hand roll once you know how to roll it to a proper cone shape.  I do like California rolls but at some point it became boring to eat the regular California rolls and so I thought I would add some entertainment value in eating California rolls if that makes any sense.  Ok, so what goes inside a California roll is pretty obvious to everyone these days.  There is no raw fish so those who are still nervous about eating raw fish or for health reasons to avoid any possible mercury intake, you can feel safe about eating California rolls.

First, prepare sushi rice. (Refer to how to make sushi rice.)

1. Cut avocado and cucumber. (Refer to how to cut avocados.)

2. Mince crab meat into small pieces.

3. Once you have your minced crab meat, you will mix them in mayonnaise and it will be ready.
4. Use a 1/2 size nori and put sushi rice on the non-shinny part on the left half. You want to put the ingredients along the line on red on top of the rice. Once you put the ingredients according to the image below, you want to roll it into a V shaped cone. The bottom of the cone does not need to be sharp.

You might want to roll it with two hands. Use rice as a glue to stick the nori on top of the other side.

Enjoy and get ready to impress your friends!

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Cathie said...

cool. this is the first time i've seen avocado being used in california rolls.. we usually put slices of mango.. and we don't mince the crab meat we just slice them into thin strips and sort of add the mayo later.. :P

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