
Friday, March 14, 2008

Preserving Cooked Rice

Did you ever wonder what to do with leftover rice? I used to throw them out or let them spoil. It smells bad when it's gone bad and I feel like I wasted a vast amount of natural resources when I throw away food.

Freezing rice? Yes, if you freeze them, later all you gotta do is to take out a pack of frozen rice and microwave it for a minute or two. It will be just like when it's fresh cooked!

1. First you'll need some leftover rice.

2. Cut a piece of plastic wrap enough to wrap whatever the portion you want to wrap.

3. Wrap it around.

4. Freeze it. My freezer is a mess! :)

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Black Flag Optimist said...

I've also had success with vacuum sealing cooked rice if it's going to be eaten within the next two weeks. I use a Foodsaver brand sealer and keep the rice in one of their 'tupperware' style of containers. If you've mixed in something like cilantro with the rice, is tends to be slightly less-than-perfect when you get around to eating it, but it's still passable.

Pete said...

Hey thanks for sharing your wisdom, Black Flag Optimist. Yeah I should look into getting a vacuum sealer. At the same time, I'm afraid I will fill my freezer until I can't shut the door anymore. lol

Anonymous said...

lol your freezer has a lot of foods~~~~~~~~~share me some~~~~~~u will have all of them urself? ^^

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