
Friday, March 14, 2008

Mandarin Chicken Salad

Mandarin chicken salad was one of the best sellers at our family owned deli store. It is very popular and almost irresistible when you see a great sample like the picture above.  BTW, I took the photo for my parents with my Nikon D60.  Although I don’t know all the photography tricks, the colorfulness of the dish pretty spoke itself and made this a great photo.  All the ingredients you see in the photo all went into the actual dish I used to prepare for our customers.  I remember the smiles and excitement on our customers’ face getting this mouth-watering salad.
Ingredients: Lettuce, red cabbage, carrots, mandarin orange slices, pine apple slices, Chinese (chowmein) noodle crackers, sesame seeds, raisins, and chicken breast.
Dressing: Oriental sesame dressing. I think any dressing that is sesame based will be fine.
It’s really easy to make this at home. The only drawback is the cost of red cabbage. It is expensive and does not come in smaller pieces other than this big cannon ball size.  They cost around $4 per ball. I guess you can always turn the rest into coleslaw or something if you are into that.  Maybe you don’t have to use the red cabbage at all. It is more for a decorative purpose anyway.
Today is Friday so I will be adding some more recipes this weekend. Final exams are just around the corner so I’m afraid I might not update the blog as frequently for next 3 weeks. On a final note, I appreciate you for visiting my blog. I hope you rock your kitchen this weekend!

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Linky Love said...

Hi Peter,

try to go to the organix veggies shop: they tend to sell tiny red cabbages for about $1 :-)

Made you blog of the weekend over at my site, just love your picture after picture recipes!

All the best with your exams and happy eating!

Pete said...

Hey Linkylove,

I'm glad you're liking my food pictures. I'll check out those tiny red cabbages. I can definitely afford $1 on a red cabbage. lol Thank you!

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